RDFA Release: Thoughts on Russia/Ukraine

February 23, 2022

It has been very obvious of late that the tensions in Ukraine, with the potential of a Russian invasion, has been weighing on the global markets.  We have been talking a lot internally about a communication piece that we could put out, and trying to craft the proper words.  It turns out, this is one instance where it is better to post the words from someone else, as they capture our thoughts perfectly.

David Kelly is the Chief Global Strategist at J.P. Morgan Asset Management.  He is is one of the top economists/commentators that we follow, and he does a fantastic job on this piece:

The Financial Backdrop as Ukraine Waits and Worries

We are certainly experiencing a very volatile time in the markets, made even more so by this uncertainty abroad.  In times like this, remember the long-term nature of stock investing.  Stay diversified, and keep ample cash reserves for upcoming spending needs.  Our opinion is that this is a mid-cycle correction taking place within the framework of a continuing upward trend in the broad markets.

Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call or email us.